Back to website Cimbiose site is published by the company Cimbiose RCS Créteil under No. 503 427 338 000 10

intracommunautary VAT No.: FR77503427338 art. 293 B of the CGI.

Code APE: 7219Z

Head Office Address: 72, Avenue Henri Barbusse 94310 Orly

Share capital: 30,000 Euros

Publishing Director: Alain Cimino

Email: alain dot "Cimino" at "cimbiose" dot "fr site is hosted by OVH: 140 Quai du Sartel 59100 Roubaix - 0899 701 761.
The design of Cimbiose visual identity (and therefore of the site's model) was performed by the communication agency: Charni L'agence

The creator of the website is the communication agency: ML COM


All photos, diagrams and figures on this site have been entirely created by Cimbiose and are available in creative commons attribution: If you use them, please cite us as the source of the diagram ( 
