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“ Focus on your programs, we take care of the rest ”


Cimbiose ingénierie provides intermediation services between :

  • project owners (local authorities, landlords, developers, insurance companies, hotels, companies...) wishing to upgrade their premises, products or services
  • and consortia of companies capable of carrying out these transformations.

The innovation of this approach lies in the creation of a protective and reassuring ecosystem for people in fragile situations, taking into account all the parameters necessary for their well-being:

  • The building and its infrastructures,
  • Home automation and utilities,
  • Medical services (software, mobile applications, connected objects, etc.),
  • Social and proximity services (home help, social networks, cab, hairdresser, plumber...).


The activity covers home care for frail people, as well as the adaptation of all the places that these people use (e.g. tourist sites, means of transport).

The operation of the products and services is then ensured by the concierge company Hoa-Ora  

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