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You have a project in which you want to integrate products and services.
 Cimbiose can help you :

  • by writing or adapting the specifications of your project,
  • by working with your departments on an audit prior to the future work,
  • by assisting you in the publication of your project offer,
  • by organizing the selection of a consortium of companies for products and services adapted to your project,
  • by determining the contractual relations between you, Cimbiose and the companies brought to implement the project,
  • by leading the management of the project until its completion, which implies the coordination of the various companies,
  • by taking charge, at your request, of the financial engineering of the project, even by going to seek complementary financing in addition to yours.

Cimbiose is remunerated on the basis of a percentage of the project.
Cimbiose does not collect the money which allows to remunerate the partners of the consortium but Cimbiose ensures you upstream the control of the invoices of the partners and gives you its agreement after the verification of the supply - in due form - of the products and services.

For the exploitation of the products and services, Hoa-Ora is at your disposal for the people in fragility who will benefit from the new products and services that you will have implemented.
